Edie Moore Workshops
About Me
1980 - personal work-Bioenergetics (participated and arranged groups)
1982 - completed massage school - received certificate and State of Ohio license
1982- 1985 -Trager Method training, psycho-physical integration, received certificate
1983-1985 - Gentle Bioenergetics with Eva Reich
1984 -1988 -Sensory Awareness/Consciousness Studies and Organismic Functioning with Charlotte Seiver and Robert Kest
1984-2000 - Cranio Sacral Therapy( all levels except adv.) , Visceral Manipulation (all levels)
1988-1995 - Advanced Family Therapy Program through Southern Ohio Family Institute with David Berenson PhD., 3 weekends/year
1991 - Reiki I,II, III A & B (Master Teacher)
1993-1994 - Gestalt Bodywork two year program with Jim Kepner PhD
1993-2014 - Energy Healing Intensives with Rosalyn Bruyere, average two week/year
1996-1997 - Healing Touch 1 and 2
1997-2001 - Feldenkrais Training and Teacher Training Program, four year program with yearly follow up and advanced study, received certification
1999-2001 - Inca Medicine Wheel two year program with Alberto Vilaldo
1999-2004 - Symbolization Training with Marge Reddington
2004-2006 - Art of Healing with Helen Yamada, 36 day training over three years, received certification and ordination
2006- Bones For Life Training I, II, III Didactic with Ruthy Alon
2007-2009 - Childspace-Feldenkrais for Children and Infants, 300 class hours, received certification
2011-2013 - Bones For Life with Cynthia Allen, received certification