Edie Moore Workshops
with Edie Moore
Introduction to the Principles of Bodywork for Energy Healers
Two Back-To-Back One Day Experiential Workshops
Sat. June 6, 2015 and Sun. June 7, 2015
These two workshops are designed for energy workers/healers and for bodyworkers who also practice energy work. We will explore the relationship of structure, energy and embodiment.
Sat. June 6 -theme: Exploring Grounding (What is grounding and why is it an issue?)
Sun. June 7 - theme: Exploring the Senses (cultivating awareness by deepening your trust in your senses)
Edie Moore has worked as a bodyworker/energy healer since 1981. She has focused on trainings that bridge body, mind and spirit. Edie's extensive studies include energy healing with Rosalyn Bruyere, shamanism with Alberto Vilaldo, Symbolization with Marge Reddington, Art Of Healing with Helen Yamada, Gestalt bodywork with Jim Kepner, as well as Zero Balancing, Reiki, Trager Method, Feldenkrais Method, Cranio Sacrial work and Transpersonal Psychology.
"As an energy/bodywork student, my focus is to learn different systems of the body. As a practitioner, I work in a collaborative and integrative process with my clients. As a teacher, my strengths are my abilities to bridge different methods, modes and levels of healing. I enhance and bring into focus the skills and insights of the student."
Time: 9:30 to 5:30 each day. Bring bag lunch. Refrigerator and microwave are available.
Location: Monastery of St. Clare, Sisters of the Poor, 1505 Miles Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45231 (just north of Mt. Healthy area near Winton Woods)
Cost: $100. for one day and $180. for both days. Make check payable to Edie Moore. Please send check by May 23rd to:
Elisabeth Contadino
5643 Glenview Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45224
Also include your address, phone number, e-mail address, brief description of your background with energy work/body work and if you are able to bring a massage table.
For more information contact Elisabeth Contadino at 513-470-5210 or ediemooreworkshops@gmail.com.